BACK from a professional contract for 6 months with some cash and perspective.

IM BACK. Ill update this post later.


Well the same sort of thing that happens to me everytime happened again… i popped on full time to do what i thought was great work only to be let go when the demand dwindled after the Las Vegas Expo. Its whatever though. I am looking ahead again so i dont miss a step when working on my web projects. there is this stupid thing i think about when every im in this position.

In order for me to blow up or get on some big project, i need to just quit whatever it is that im doing and commit to that until it is finished. Everytime i pick up the job that i need to pay the bills.. i never really get anything done in the direction of creative projects or ideas. On the other hand if im not happy it can become really hard for me to think up any good ideas or reach out to my creative zone in general…

whatever.. i need to finish updating my resume and begin looking for a position. Ill post again soon.