Category: Uncategorized


Welcome back Jay to the EaS scene for the next few weeks before he levels up again on the skill tree to adulthood. Training – 5:30am – 3:30pm  icon-check-square-o Shop      – 3:45pm – 6:30pm  icon-check-square-o Web / SAC – 7:00pm – 10:30pm icon-check-square-o Me time? –  icon-square-o The schedule has been a little wild because I enlisted in some… Read more →


Remind you of a simpler time? Some Friday afternoons when the crew starts forming and the sun dips down on the edge of the city makes me reminiscent of experiences and times i’ve never had.


Been a few since i tied together the internet finds i was releasing weekly earlier in the year. Link UP is something i have heard people from the Caribbean say since 2002 and as a web designer i figured it would be alright for me to use. When i use the term link up i mean meet up online or… Read more →


Really doing well at work it seems. Which means i have had no time for posts. TaCo went to poland with pam and i just have been keeping it low key since my birthday.. The Super Awesome cool is back in full swing with daily events and game stuff. Check it out! Mother fucking Match Tical, did thas who. i… Read more →


  WOW. ok so i am feeling accomplished again.  I have been really busting my hump sorting it all. Moved the JAG, Paid it Down, Went to New Orleans, Met up with Damon, Painted some stuff, Rode bikes, went to shows, saved a little, and quit (slowed) smoking all in my ver first watermelon flavored slice of summer 2014.  All… Read more →


I really need someone to tell me what is the process or steps to take to feel like i have my shit together. Regardless of how much i get done or plans and goals get checked off i never really feel like i have it together.. something is always going to slip through the cracks.. -Physical internet -OBP Feature -Warm… Read more →

Art adventures & crew videos

When i was younger i always bought the weird videos and DVDs from my local entertainment spot which kind of guided my childhood interests right up into adulthood. Bones Brigade and 411vm got me into skating and Breakdancing videos like Tribal : Circles and other hip hop videos were my direct lines to cool stuff in an age before the… Read more →