Found a playlist from lat year with tracks worth sharing. I will make an official post for music mondays next week.
Tag: eaesthetics

WOW. ok so i am feeling accomplished again. I have been really busting my hump sorting it all. Moved the JAG, Paid it Down, Went to New Orleans, Met up with Damon, Painted some stuff, Rode bikes, went to shows, saved a little, and quit (slowed) smoking all in my ver first watermelon flavored slice of summer 2014. All… Read more →
New job. New workstation. eat your heart out freaky. #5monitors #workstation #eaesthetics

April LootCrate : Dragons! Subscriptions are so cool.
Just received the April shipment from my LootCrate subscription. LootCrate is a really cool subscription service that ships out all the nerdy stuff in a themed box each month. This months theme was dragons so i scored some cool skyrim and game of thrones stuff. I really like the idea of subscription services like this because it reminds me of… Read more →

Erin Odea Feature Interview for Erin had a write up on featuring some new stuff and a little Q&A with her about whats up recently. Following her on instagram is also a good idea. The photos really make me miss Miami but she is an incredibly talented artist. Stop on by her FB or instagram and follow along. You will not be dissapointed. Read more →