Art adventures & crew videos

When i was younger i always bought the weird videos and DVDs from my local entertainment spot which kind of guided my childhood interests right up into adulthood. Bones Brigade and 411vm got me into skating and Breakdancing videos like Tribal : Circles and other hip hop videos were my direct lines to cool stuff in an age before the internet. It is rare you see these kind of crew or team videos anymore not directly sponsored by a brand or company.

[gymkhana is cool since technically it was Ken Block’s hobby before it made them money or marketing or whatever]

I just had the pleasure of watching my first crew video in a really long time and i think you should check it out too.

Not in a long time have i seen people bleed for their passion in a way that didnt directly benefit themselves. Most times, professional skateboarders were exhibiting trespassing evidence in all of their footage. The planning that must go into some of these artistic capers is easy to admire since i just use a mouse and keyboard all day. Anyway. Give it a shot.

Also just for fun i have included the tribal video i was talking about.